Monday, November 26, 2007


I am a big fan of music and lyrics. I find them fascinating and I wish I was as articulate as those that write them. This weekend I heard a song by Pink (I think was originally by someone else) called "Dear Mr. President". I feel in love with the song. Here are the lyrics. I think they speak volumes about what is going on in our culture and society today.

Let me preface this by saying that I am not trying to slam the president. It is a job that I wouldn't want and will never aspire to obtain. I could not imagine being responsible for everything. I just think this song speaks volumes about what is going on right now in our country.

Dear Mr. President,
Come take a walk with me.
Let's pretend we're just two people and
You're not better than me.
I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.
What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep?
What do you feel when you look in the mirror?
Are you proud?
How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye
And tell me why?
Dear Mr. President,
Were you a lonely boy?
Are you a lonely boy?
Are you a lonely boy?
How can you say
No child is left behind?
We're not dumb and we're not blind.
They're all sitting in your cells
While you pave the road to hell.
What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?
And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay?
I can only imagine what the first lady has to say
You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.
How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye?
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Minimum wage with a baby on the way
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Building a bed out of a cardboard box
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
You don't know nothing 'bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
Oh, How do you sleep at night?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Dear Mr. President,
You'd never take a walk with me.
Would you?

Monday, October 15, 2007

For the Fun of It

What time is it? 2:39 pm
What is your full name? Carma Renee Reese
What are you most afraid of? the unknown
What is the most recent movie that you have seen? We watched a really bad Jackie Chan movie on the CW yesterday, does that count?
Place of birth? Auburn, Indiana
Favorite food? Right now?? Fruit Roll Ups.
What's your natural hair color? Who knows anymore. It was blonde, but the older I became the darker it got.
Ever been to Freak Nick? Nope
Ever been skinny dipping? Plead the 5th
Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
Been in a car accident? 2. One when I was in fifth grade and one two years ago.
Favorite time of day? Evening. After dinner, when the dishes are loaded and the dog is calm.
Favorite day of the week? Sundays, we have the whole day together.
Favorite restaurant? Takaoka of Japan
Favorite Flower? Tulips
Favorite sport to watch on TV? Hmm....the dog jumping contests.
Favorite drink? Hot Cocoa. When not pregnant? Smirnoff
Favorite ice cream? I haven't eaten ice cream in forever.
Warner Brothers/Disney? WB
Ever been on a ship? Sure, was it moving, nope.
What color is your bedroom carpet? Light tan
How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? Tyler
What do you do when you are bored? Walk the dog or organize stuff around the house.
Bedtime? I'm usually in bed around 9:30-10ish.
Favorite TV shows? Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, Big Shots, Beauty and the Geek, Bachelor, Life is Wild
Last person you went to dinner with? We ate with my brother in law and his family last night, and the night before that too.
Park or Zoo? Depends on who I am with.
What are your favorite colors ? Right now???? Red and Blue.
How many tattoos do you have? Currently, none. Taylor came and blew my birthday idea. But I'll take Taylor over a tattoo anyday.
How many pets do you have? 1 doggie (Scooter), 1 Holland Lop (Charlie), 2 cats that live with mom (Lafayette and Malachi)
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? That's on my list of things to ask Him when I get there.
What do you want to do before you die? Truly live.
Have you ever been to Hawaii? We took a pretend trip there when I worked at the daycare.
Have you been to countries outside the U.S. ? Yes: Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Spain, and I think I'm leaving one out....
Time this survey ended? 2:51pm

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

To Be 10 Again

Ok, so I've been slacking off on this blog lately, I know. I'm sorry. I have finally chosen a new topic. Imagine you are ten again. You can take all of your knowledge now back to that time. What would you do differently?

I don't know how much I would do differently, but I would defiantly spend time re enjoying things I used to enjoy. I was emailing this week with a friend of mine and here is a part of my email. I used to go to this friends house after school and in the summer for "baby sitting."


Ever want to go back in time, even if its just for the afternoon? I began wishing I could this afternoon. Back to a time when life was simpler. If only it were that easy. You know where I found myself this afternoon? In Logan's walk in closet. With the marble set we weren't supposed to get out. Then I found myself out back on the swing flying to Hawaii and fighting about what coast it was off of (you were right of course). Then the play room. With 'The Price is Right' on the tv in the next room and Robert rapping "Vanilla Ice." Man, those were the days.

I walk past that house about every other day with the dog. Cracks me up to think about the past. The construction guy falling through the ceiling. Your broken leg (i thin it was leg, but now i'm thinking arm). You had "caution" tape on your closet door. Going to the creepy basement for Popsicles. Hiding from your grandmother. Stepping on a bee in the sandbox. riding and skating down the sidewalk to "ramp" on the bump in the sidewalk. When my sister moved into that tiny house that is set off the street on that road I used to ride my bike and I always tried to jump that bump. You'd think by now they'd fix it.

Well, I guess enough remembering the real world is calling and I can't ignore the ringing phone forever. Although, if I shut the closet door and build the marble tower I might be able too.


To which "T" replied,

"All the time. I would love to be back there in Logan's closet with the marble tower with you. Trying to sneak in the house so Grandma wouldn't see, playing in the yard, building a snowman and getting in the paper. Mac and cheese for lunch. Best years of my life, and I so wanted to be a grown up. Now I so want to be a little kid. "

I would also spend more time playing in the rain. Playing kickball in the cul-de-sac. Jailbreak on a hot summer night. Pick up game of touch football in my backyard. Climbing the willow tree next door with S. Ice hockey in T & C's back yard (it was always flooded).

Ahh, to be ten again. Would you go back? Why or why not?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Odd Words

Several years ago, Leah and I started something to amuse ourselves during church. Yes, I know, that was bad, we should have been paying attention. Anyways, I wish I could find that list now. I may have to go home and dig for it. Our list consisted of word we thought were funny. Here is my list of funny words and why they are funny.

Dorcus -Could you really name your kid that? I know, it's a Biblical name, still, it just screams, well, DORK!

Moist-It just sounds funny, or dirty, depending on how it is used.

Hippopotamus-Haha. I just picture a big purple blob. It just cracks me up.

Spaghetti- I like the stuff, the name is just funny!

French Lick- Who decided to name the town that?

Aardvark- How did they come up with that name. They were looking at this crazy animal and someone sneezed?

Emu- Don't know why, but to me it's funny. Then again, so is it's cousin, Ostrich.

Mullet- the word and the hairstyle are funny. I once had a friend give his "final exam speech" in speech class about the different types of mullets.

Smidgen- I picture the Swedish chef from the Muppet's hosting a cooking show drunk. I don't know why, I just do.

I really need to find that list....I know I have a ton more.

Monday, August 6, 2007

10 Things and Why

10 Things I'll Never Do and Why

1.) I will never kiss a lion because they have bad breath and those teeth, who knows where they have been!

2.) I will never earn a degree in physics. I'm cool with it though.

3.) I will never again eat cold fried calamari after drinking 6 beers while sitting outside a bar in Spain. Does this really need a reason as to why?

4.) I will never look a spider in the eye. They have too many eyes to choose just one eye to look into.

5.) I will never wear jellie shoes again. Why? They will never be comfortable, they never were, never will be.

6.) I will never take the "short" way to the ferry. Nor will I ever have an icecream bar and local bull beer for breakfast. I will then never get on the ferry to cross the choppy sea to the island of Cadiz. This one goes along with #3. Actually, I did #6 the morning after doing #3.

7.) I will never tell a pregnant woman, "Woah, you must be ready to pop." Why? This does not to wonders for their self-esteem.

8.) I will never again wear sturrup pants with 3 pairs (all different colors mind you) of scrunchie socks. Nor will I allow my sister to peg my pink cordory pants. Enough said.

9.) I will never crimp my hair. Who wants to look like they had an accident between a fork and the toaster?!

10.) I will never say never.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Childhood Favorite(s)

So it was my turn to pick the blog topic. After putting it off for several days (Sorry Kianne) I finally made up my mind this morning. Here are a few of my childhood favorites.

Hasbro's Kid Sister
Sarah, my kid sister, and I did everything together. Her hard plastic head with blue eyes that always looked like a deer in the head lights, even slept in my bed. I'm surprised I don't have a permanent indent left by her nose in my back. Her perfectly positioned freckles, plastic shoes, blue overalls and hat had me at hello. Plus, I could drag her where ever I wanted to go. Let me back track. My biological sister is 7 1/2 years older and often found me annoying, although I don't know why, I was wonderful (please sense the sarcasm in my typing). Natalee could not be persuaded to do anything, however, Sarah, my kid sister, she had no choice. We took bike rides(I'm sure she loved her basket seat), climbed the neighbors weeping willow tree, played beauty salon, and hang out in the backyard. There was one thing she couldn't do well, swim. Her big plastic head was floatable, but her fabric body soaked up moisture like a sponge. I'm pretty sure I still have Sarah, I think she now lives in a Rubbermaid tote in my shed.

Sit and Spins
Ahh, the best way to spend a hot afternoon, making yourself so dizzy you puked in the neighbors backyard. Starring at the spiral shaped colors on the (handle), watching them go round and round as you go round and round till you can't see straight. Funny this is, I could spin myself silly every afternoon, yet the gravatron at the fair seemed so unnatural.

Jail Break
I was fortunate to grow up on a cul-de-sac where lots of other kids lived. Ours was the cul-de-sac to play on. Kids from the rest of the block would come and beg to play. Right at the end of the cul-de-sac (that's such a funny word) was a light pole. That was base. I remember that Leah once tried to hide in a raspberry bush. That was a rough night. Turns out that Benadryl makes her unbelievably hyper. Ryan used to scale the pole and play look out, shouting to his team where everyone was. I tended to be the jailer. I wasn't a fan of hiding in the dark, I was happy to guard the jail.

Kick Ball
When we weren't play jail break, there was kick ball. A crack in the straight portion of the cul-de-sac was 1st base. My mailbox was 2nd, the light pole was 3rd, and home was a crack in Beaty's drive way. We had to be careful. A poorly aimed "home run" often bounced off our front window, which did not please the father. I really miss those days. I'm tempted to send out invitations to all of those kids I used to play with to have a day of jail break and kick ball.

Willow Tree
My neighbors had the perfect willow tree. It was very climbable. Stuart and I would spend hours in that tree. We had to be quiet though because his dad worked third and the tree was right outside his parent's bedroom. We were pirates, royalty, family, thieves, animal rescuers, explorers, just about anything you could think of. That tree had magical powers. The new owner of that house is thinking of cutting it down. It has gotten out of control and it is dying a slow death, but it will still be sad to see it go.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Love Is...

...accepting each other, good aspects and bad
...being forgiven and being willing to ask for forgiveness
...bringing a child into this world
...not just saying "I do"
...a verb
...not easy
...a wonderful journey, even with its ups and downs
...paradise when you're together the air
...for sharing
...all around us
...being tucked into bed
...a glass of water and Tylenol when you have a head ache
...coming home to a clean house and dinner on the table
...doing something without being prompted
...sharing your half of the bed (but not for the interstate highway of death)
...a good friend
...what makes the world 'go round'.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Why does God keep His timing such a secret?

Why am I so indecisive?

Why do I fear something that may never happen?

Why do doctors gag at the sight of blood?

Why me?

Why does God choose to be so mysterious?

Why do pregnant women crave odd things?

Why does my dog follow me around 24/7?

Why can't we decide on a middle name for a girl?

Why do I find storms so scary?

Why do some adults become boring?

Why can't we all stay kids at heart?

Why does life have to be so rough for some and easy for others?

Why do people allow their leg to get caught between a tractor and a pulverizer?

Why, and more specifically, how does laundry pile up so fast?

Why are their fingerprints on my office window?

Why am I terrified?

Why don't I let my fear show?

Why am I craving Bread Basket?

Monday, July 2, 2007

40 Things

40 Things I Did This (actually, in June) Month.

1. Made three new friends.

2. Was happy.

3. Was sad.

4. Faked enthusiasm for someone who received what I have been praying for.

5. Discovered my genuine enthusiasm for that same person, its just took awhile.

6. Discovered Diet Pepsi Max, and became a fan.

7. Was told not to worry.

8. Worried anyways.

9. Missed my grandparents.

10. Discovered the beauty in downtown Auburn.

11. Discovered a leak in a water line.

12. Became addicted to puzzles.

13. Completed several puzzles.

14. Started some projects I've been putting off.

15. Clean up my own mess at work.

16. Admitted that I made that mess at work.

17. Fell in love all over again.

18. Decided to make an effort to eat better.

19. Took time for me.

20. Dyed my hair darker for a change of pace.

21. Learned not to eat hot dogs.

22. Read a ton of books on every topic possible.

23. Prayed for firefighters.

24. Thanked my brother in law for all he does (see previous #)

25. Started walking more and on a consistent basis.

26. Became less jealous.

27. Connected with two people who are the same boat as me. Its nice to know I'm not rowing the boat alone.

28. Wondered about old friends.

29. Wondered if I've changed as much as they have.

30. Tried several new recipes. My favorite so far is cake batter cookies.

31. Swam.

32. Was weighed at the drs office and didn't freak out when I accidentally looked at the scale.

33. Saw two movies in the theater.

34. Saw several more at home.

35. Reconnected with my mother.

36. Had a car break down, then a truck.

37. Stopped being so dependant on my cell phone and watch.

38. Had a jumpy party.

39. Changed my spending habits.

40. Blogged, several times.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Name

Since Kianne and I both have unusually names, when it came time for me to pic my topic, I choose, "How I feel about my name."

To be honest, growing up, I HATED IT! I couldn't buy cool rainbow pencils with my named stamped in gold. I couldn't have the matching pencil case. It sucked. Now that I am older, I appreciate my name. For various reasons. It is uncommon. I like that. I like being the only Carma in the room. If someone says, "Carma," I'm the only one who responds. It makes me unique. What makes it even more special to me is that I was named after my grandmother. My mother's mother passed away before I was born. I think mom was pregnant with me. My parents had decided that my dad would name me. I don't know if always had Carma in mind, but I am grateful for that name. I know that it was hard for my mom to call me by my name for awhile. It made her think about her mother. I remember when my grandfather was ill and was close to dying. I went to see him in the nursing home and my mom told grandpa "Carma's here." I don't know if he thought I was me or his wife. Either way, seeing the smile on his face was wonderful. He had basically been unresponsive for awhile, but when you said the name "Carma" he found the strength to smile.

I got curious and tried to search for the meaning of my name on baby name websites. I couldn't find my name. I found Carman, Carmen, Carmellita (which is what my sister calls me), and other variations. So I really have no clue what my name means. If anyone knows, feel free to tell me!

After I posted my blog, my aunt sent me an email with some more information that I didn't know. Here is what I found out.

"But, to clarify, yes, your mom was pregnant with you when Grandma Carma died on March 14th, -- while your dad was in Colombia, (the country) as it happens. Your mom would not call him, stating that she didn't want him to interrupt his trip and come home. So he did not know Mom had died and the funeral was all over and done until he got back from that church mission trip. (No matter to me one way or the other -- but at the time, we were concerned about Lynette having to deal with the death, the funeral, etc, w/o your dad, since she was pregnant. We honored her wishes and did not to try to secretly contact your dad ourselves.)"

You've Peed Where??

So it was Kianne's turn to pick our topic and she wanted to write about "the oddest place you've done your duty." I can honestly say that I have always used a toilet. I am not an outdoor type person, so therefore I've never squatted in the woods. Someone once told me that if you peed in a pool the water around you turned purple, so I was too scared to pee in a pool. Since I haven't gone to the restroom in any odd places, I'll simply post a picture of a toilet and ask you, "what is the oddest place you've used the restroom?"

Monday, June 25, 2007

I Believe In

I believe [in]...
love that conquers all.
a God that is bigger than we can imagine.
the power of prayer.
true friendships lasting through time and troubles.
that the sun should never set upon an argument.
the power of music lyrics.
we place our happiness in other people's hands.
that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you.
that good people can do bad things.
that bad people can do good things.
your parents did the best job they knew how to do.
the rite to be upset at someone.
that beauty magazines promote low self esteem.
retail therapy (to an extent).
I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone.
praying together.
Karma, what you give is what you get returned.
that IM chatting can be just as therapeutic as therapy.
you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned.
the power of a cat nap.
the grass is no more greener on the other side.
my past makes me strong.
you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye.
not having regrets, only learning opportunities.
that trust is more important than monogamy.
praying for strangers.
your most attractive features are your heart and soul.
that God should "mess us up" (thanks Adam).
that family is worth more than money or gold.
that adults are simply children masquerading.
the struggle for financial freedom is unfair.
the only ones who disagree are millionaires.
doing one random act of kindness a day.
forgiveness is the key to your happiness.
that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed.
that God does not endorse TV evangelists.
learning from others mistakes.
love surviving death into eternity.
that every person should have a loving home.
that sometimes a knowing look is more powerful than an hour of speech.
that CEO's make way too much money and should share.
Europeans have it figure out.
in the power of blogging.
expressing yourself, however you see fit.
taking a sick day just to stay home together.
tithing in nontraditional ways.
in the power of my mind.
*Some of these were borrowed from the song "Affirmation" by Savage Garden.

Friday, June 22, 2007

First Kiss

Kianne came up with this idea. I wasn't sure about it at first, but then we talked and refined it even further. We both decided that our first kiss wasn't exactly earth shattering, nor something we wanted to recall. Neither one of us are too proud about it. So we decided to post our first significant kiss.

Mine happens to be a funny story, well at least I think it is funny. Ayron and I had met on our own but also with some help from mutual friends. At the time, his best friend and my best friend were dating and if we hadn't set ourselves up, they would have.

Ayron and I had been "dating" for about two weeks. We planned a big night out with our co-workers. We all worked at Scott's and most of us were coupled up with other co-workers. Except Sadie and Tim. Ayron got stuck working for part of the night, so we all stopped in to say hi to him, then we went to Pizza Hut. Turns out Ayron had given Tim money to pay for my dinner since he felt bad he had to work. After we ate, we all went back to Scott's and goof around for half an hour still Ayron got off work. All 8 of us trooped back to my house and hung out for awhile. We decided we were going to go bowling. As we were bowling, Ayron reached over and took my hand. This was a first. Of course, all of the other girls noticed and insisted that they had to go to the bathroom and that since they had to go, so did I. We crammed in the nasty bathroom and they were freaking out about it. While Tascha was busy drilling me with questions, Sadie was amazed by the fact that the bathroom had a condom dispenser. Anyway, fast forwarding.

Ayron and I went back to my house and before we got out of the car, he asked if I wanted to "Make it official." To this day, I will not let him live that one down! We ended up going inside and sitting in the living room and watching Ferris Bueler's Day Off till close to 3 in the morning. He made plans to meet me at church in the morning. As I was walking him to the door (I'm laughing in my head right now as I think about this) he leaned in and gave me a hug. As he pulled away, we kissed. Nothing fancy, nothing earth shattering, but it was wonderful.

The next morning as I was getting around for church mom asked me what time I got home and how late Ayron had stayed. When I told her that he left around 3:30 in the morning, she got this worried look on her face, but went back into the bathroom and continued to curl her hair. She stuck her head back out into the hallway, curling iron still stuck in her hair, and said "Well, I think it's time we had a talk." As I was grabbing my shoes and flying out the door (I had to get to church before Ayron so I could fill Leah in on all the details) I shouted, "You're a little late Mom."

I didn't realize that my mom took that the wrong way. She panicked. After church I explained that I was 17 years old and she didn't have to worry about that.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

100 Things That Make Me Happy

* These are in no particular order

1. Ayron
2. Friends
3. Cheese popcorn with a cherry Coke
4. My "boys" Scooter and Charlie
5. scrap booking
6. taking walks
7. flying kites
8. memories
9. purses
10. shoes
11. family
12. pudding
13. roses
14. sunshine
15. sleeping
16. a good laugh
17. McKenna
18. Madison
19. Marisa
20. surviving a rough week
21. picnic in the park
22. quiet moments alone
23. Hot chocolate; anything chocolate for that matter
24. long afternoon naps in my hammock
25. golfing - but only when Phil and I have cart races(FYI: Ayron is way to big to ride on the
back of the cart where the bags go)
26. Unexpected flower deliveries
27. blogging
28. Getting a refund instead of paying the IRS
29. Lazy Sunday afternoons
30. Napping with my nieces
31. Mudding
32. Sunday afternoon flying kites with friends
33. Left over stuffed crust pizza
34. Being able to see the bottom of the laundry hamper
35. Cool shower after getting a sunburn
36. Listening to music at work
37. Colored pens
38. An afternoon in Borders
39. Used books from
40. Chatting with Kianne during work hours
41. Sleeping in till 7
42. A freshly made bed
43. Being organized
44. Giving Scooter a belly rub
45. Working on the house
46. Watching Charlie try to hop/run on tile floors
47. A phone call from my nieces
48. Flipping through an LTD magazine
49. Imagining the future
50. Sechler's dill pickles
51. Mt. Dew
52. Longer lunch breaks with the kids on Friday
53. My new addiction: Crystal Light Energy (Wild Strawberry)
54. Pay Day Friday's
55. QUEST Friday's
56. Remembering
57. Sleep overs
58. Grey's Anatomy
59. George (my body pillow and yes, he is named after George from Grey's Anatomy)
60. Long afternoon walks with Scooter
61. Smelling the lilacs in my yard
62. Friday's chocolate break
63. My cow mailbox: even though it is broken and leaks and will soon be replaced
64. Working Algebra problems with students (If anyone tells my old Algebra teacher this.....)
65. Any day when a kid doesn't vomit at work
66. Macaroni and Cheese
67. Brand new box of Crayola crayons
68. Midnight jumping parties in the moonwalk
69. " dropped this." "No I didn't."
71. Ayron singing me my night time song.
72. Monday morning "catch up" chats with friends
73. Afternoon jump sessions with my nieces (playing crack the egg with Madison)
74. Watching a student experience a "ah ha" moment during Algebra time
75. Afternoon chit chats with Nikki
76. Music
77. Driving with the windows down and the radio up.
78. Goldfish crackers
79. Our rotating dinner party group
80. Watching the rain
81. Live radio over the Internet (makes the work day much better)
82. Gardening (although you couldn't tell if you look at my yard now)
83. Bob Evans Cobb Salad (minus the bleu cheese)
84. The Fraggle Rock theme song (cast your cares away, worries for another day)
85. Kroger brand kettle corn
86. Watching bad 80's movies with Ayron
87. Mowing the yard
88. Fuzzy Bunnies (the marshmallow game)
89. Finding the toilet seat has been put down and the toilet paper has been refilled
90. Foaming hand soap sale at Bath and Body Works
91. Giraffes
92. Zebras (If you don't know why, then how well do you really know me?)
93. When everyone else is happy
94. Growing older (age wise) but staying young (at heart)
95. Sales
96. Learning something new
97. When I realize that I have become an adult and it is not that bad
98. Christmas get togethers with the family
99. Playing UNO with grandma (haven't been able to do that in years)
100. Two lines, eventually

Monday, May 7, 2007

My Worst Habit...

I would have to say that my worst habit is my ability to procrastinate. I do have a way to justify my behavior though. I tend to work better under pressure. I believe that I have developed ADHD as a coping mechanism while in college. I juggled working full time and taking a full class load. I now work better under pressure. It is amazing if I get something done ahead of schedule. Don't get me wrong, I'm not late, I just tend to put it off.

I do think that I am getting better though. Case and point: I only have 3 students today and I really didn't have anything to do but answer questions. I decided to start my summer chores list early. I manged to get my biggest task started and almost (still trying to locate some addresses) completed today. I'll admit that I did have motivation. During the summer the "day" portion of my program stops (due to the fact that schools are not in session). I do a majority of my work during those hours. I have decided to ask to do ride alongs and to learn more about the community corrections side of my office. I am hoping that I can ask my boss to do ride alongs with our surveillance officer. If I get my summer list done now, that clears up my summer. Wow, that was a really long example.

I guess this blog is an example of my ability to procrastinate. I could be calling places and organizing my filing cabinet, but instead I chose to sat down and write a blog. Like I said, I'm working on changing that habit.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I Really Miss...

I really miss.... childhood innocence childhood ignorance nuclear family
...taking college classes
...musicians who can actually play
...musicians who can actually read/write music
...working part-time
...the thrill of driving for no reason senior year in high school
...traveling over seas
...watching the N'Sync special over and over again
...wasting time, lying in a hammock, watching the clouds move glow in the dark stars that I stuck all over my bedroom
...mid-night phone calls to friends
...being able to read a book for fun
...the way it used to be
...sitcom television
...cheesy boy band music
...being able to be me

Friday, April 27, 2007

What Are You...

My favorite pair of Old Navy jeans (which, by the way, are way to big, which only means that I am getting smaller. Yeah for me.) My grey CDYC shirt and my grey Purdue hoodie. Yes, Friday's in the "government" realm mean comfort. Oh, and I'm wearing my black Croc knock offs.

Is it 4pm yet? Why am I hungry? What am I going to cook for dinner? Is it 4pm yet? Why did everyone but me get to go on the office "field trip" today?

All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing as much person reading as I'd like. I've been so busy reading all of my students required reading (Lord of the Flies, etc.) to read anything for me.

Of starting a family. Having 4 become 5. Being debt free. Being free to travel. of retirement.

Nothing at the moment. I did meet my secretary for our usual Friday @2pm chocolate break. I had a mini Baby Ruth and she had a mini Snickers. We chatted and put off real work, if only for a couple of minutes.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Ayron's Second Wife

This topic was chosen by K, and I'll admit right now that I wouldn't have chosen this topic. It will be a struggle for me to actually formulate an answer. Be assured that I worked and thought about this post for over a week.

"If you were to die, which of your friends would you want Ayron to marry? Why?"

I have been thinking about this topic for awhile. Somehow I knew that K would choose this one. I can't say that I can pick one of my friends. I like different things about different people. So I'm going to choose different traits from all my friends and use them to create the perfect wife for Ayron. Ayron is such a dynamic person that choosing someone just wouldn't work. To be perfectly honest, I hope this situation never comes true, but if it does....I think I'd rather him marry someone I don't know.

L: For her fun loving attitude
K: She would appreciate him. She constantly tells me how "sweet" he is, etc. She would also make sure the bills got paid on time.
C: For her love of children. She would accept my children as her own and help them grow into fine beings.
N: For her practical smarts.
N2: For her cooking ability. Ayron can cook, but this lady CAN COOK!

I really don't know what else to write and I feel like I didn't do a very good job at this challenge. I will have to put more thought and effort into the next post.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Friendship Is...

Friendship is narrow term for a broad topic
Friendship is a venting resource
Friendship is a shoulder to cry on when things go wrong
Friendship is a partner to celebrate with when things go right
Friendship is a hug after 5 years of separation
Friendship is an answered phone call at 3 am
Friendship is someone to chat with when the work day is long
Friendship is a security blanket
Friendship is a car ride to no place in particular
Friendship is a walk around the block
Friendship is a crazy kool-aid mix that should always be stirred
Friendship is a vow of love for life
Friendship is someone to watch old Disney concerts with
Friendship is someone to share you dreams with, no matter how silly
Friendship is remembering times gone by
Friendship is a first kiss
Friendship is the combining of two hearts
Friendship is knowing when to say no, and being comfortable doing so
Friendship is a bassett hound, daschund, and boxer
Friendship is a hand to hold
Friendship is a McDonald's lunch after a funeral
Friendship is saying "I Do"
Friendship is everlasting

What the....???

DISCLAIMER: The blog posts that will follow are not intended to offend anyone. The thoughts, feelings, and words expressed in this blog are that of it's creator, me. If you wish to "borrow" my material, I ask that you link to it through your site. No trolls, please, they are scary little creatures who need to put on some clothes and comb their hair.

BACKGROUND: I have decided to start another blog for a couple of different reasons. I feel these reasons need to be made known so that the blog will make sense to you outsiders. Here are my reasons behind this blog.
1.) I like to blog and I like to read other blogs.
2.) I wish I had more time to creatively write.
3.) This is a way to keep in touch with friends in a creative manner.
4.) I was inspired by K, who started this idea with another friend, but together we've decided
to take it public and in a different manner.

The posts that will appear on this blog are a form of creative journaling. The journal topics came from various sources but were combined to help two friends reconnect with connecting with the rest of the creative community.