Monday, May 7, 2007

My Worst Habit...

I would have to say that my worst habit is my ability to procrastinate. I do have a way to justify my behavior though. I tend to work better under pressure. I believe that I have developed ADHD as a coping mechanism while in college. I juggled working full time and taking a full class load. I now work better under pressure. It is amazing if I get something done ahead of schedule. Don't get me wrong, I'm not late, I just tend to put it off.

I do think that I am getting better though. Case and point: I only have 3 students today and I really didn't have anything to do but answer questions. I decided to start my summer chores list early. I manged to get my biggest task started and almost (still trying to locate some addresses) completed today. I'll admit that I did have motivation. During the summer the "day" portion of my program stops (due to the fact that schools are not in session). I do a majority of my work during those hours. I have decided to ask to do ride alongs and to learn more about the community corrections side of my office. I am hoping that I can ask my boss to do ride alongs with our surveillance officer. If I get my summer list done now, that clears up my summer. Wow, that was a really long example.

I guess this blog is an example of my ability to procrastinate. I could be calling places and organizing my filing cabinet, but instead I chose to sat down and write a blog. Like I said, I'm working on changing that habit.

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