Monday, October 15, 2007

For the Fun of It

What time is it? 2:39 pm
What is your full name? Carma Renee Reese
What are you most afraid of? the unknown
What is the most recent movie that you have seen? We watched a really bad Jackie Chan movie on the CW yesterday, does that count?
Place of birth? Auburn, Indiana
Favorite food? Right now?? Fruit Roll Ups.
What's your natural hair color? Who knows anymore. It was blonde, but the older I became the darker it got.
Ever been to Freak Nick? Nope
Ever been skinny dipping? Plead the 5th
Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
Been in a car accident? 2. One when I was in fifth grade and one two years ago.
Favorite time of day? Evening. After dinner, when the dishes are loaded and the dog is calm.
Favorite day of the week? Sundays, we have the whole day together.
Favorite restaurant? Takaoka of Japan
Favorite Flower? Tulips
Favorite sport to watch on TV? Hmm....the dog jumping contests.
Favorite drink? Hot Cocoa. When not pregnant? Smirnoff
Favorite ice cream? I haven't eaten ice cream in forever.
Warner Brothers/Disney? WB
Ever been on a ship? Sure, was it moving, nope.
What color is your bedroom carpet? Light tan
How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? Tyler
What do you do when you are bored? Walk the dog or organize stuff around the house.
Bedtime? I'm usually in bed around 9:30-10ish.
Favorite TV shows? Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, Big Shots, Beauty and the Geek, Bachelor, Life is Wild
Last person you went to dinner with? We ate with my brother in law and his family last night, and the night before that too.
Park or Zoo? Depends on who I am with.
What are your favorite colors ? Right now???? Red and Blue.
How many tattoos do you have? Currently, none. Taylor came and blew my birthday idea. But I'll take Taylor over a tattoo anyday.
How many pets do you have? 1 doggie (Scooter), 1 Holland Lop (Charlie), 2 cats that live with mom (Lafayette and Malachi)
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? That's on my list of things to ask Him when I get there.
What do you want to do before you die? Truly live.
Have you ever been to Hawaii? We took a pretend trip there when I worked at the daycare.
Have you been to countries outside the U.S. ? Yes: Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Spain, and I think I'm leaving one out....
Time this survey ended? 2:51pm

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

To Be 10 Again

Ok, so I've been slacking off on this blog lately, I know. I'm sorry. I have finally chosen a new topic. Imagine you are ten again. You can take all of your knowledge now back to that time. What would you do differently?

I don't know how much I would do differently, but I would defiantly spend time re enjoying things I used to enjoy. I was emailing this week with a friend of mine and here is a part of my email. I used to go to this friends house after school and in the summer for "baby sitting."


Ever want to go back in time, even if its just for the afternoon? I began wishing I could this afternoon. Back to a time when life was simpler. If only it were that easy. You know where I found myself this afternoon? In Logan's walk in closet. With the marble set we weren't supposed to get out. Then I found myself out back on the swing flying to Hawaii and fighting about what coast it was off of (you were right of course). Then the play room. With 'The Price is Right' on the tv in the next room and Robert rapping "Vanilla Ice." Man, those were the days.

I walk past that house about every other day with the dog. Cracks me up to think about the past. The construction guy falling through the ceiling. Your broken leg (i thin it was leg, but now i'm thinking arm). You had "caution" tape on your closet door. Going to the creepy basement for Popsicles. Hiding from your grandmother. Stepping on a bee in the sandbox. riding and skating down the sidewalk to "ramp" on the bump in the sidewalk. When my sister moved into that tiny house that is set off the street on that road I used to ride my bike and I always tried to jump that bump. You'd think by now they'd fix it.

Well, I guess enough remembering the real world is calling and I can't ignore the ringing phone forever. Although, if I shut the closet door and build the marble tower I might be able too.


To which "T" replied,

"All the time. I would love to be back there in Logan's closet with the marble tower with you. Trying to sneak in the house so Grandma wouldn't see, playing in the yard, building a snowman and getting in the paper. Mac and cheese for lunch. Best years of my life, and I so wanted to be a grown up. Now I so want to be a little kid. "

I would also spend more time playing in the rain. Playing kickball in the cul-de-sac. Jailbreak on a hot summer night. Pick up game of touch football in my backyard. Climbing the willow tree next door with S. Ice hockey in T & C's back yard (it was always flooded).

Ahh, to be ten again. Would you go back? Why or why not?